

Социально-экономическая география Республики Беларусь

Социально-экономическая география Республики Беларусь

Учебное иособие
Киреенко Екатерина

Особое место в книге отведено условиям и факторам территориальной организации народного хозяйства, интеграционным процессам, проблемам экономико-географического районирования. Дана характеристика внешнеэкономических связей Беларуси. Пособие написано в соответствии с образовательным стандартом и новой... Болей »

Divided Communities

Divided Communities

A Study of Inter-Ethnic Relations and Minority Rights in Macedonia

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights was founded in 1977. It is a member of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (1HF) whose aim is to monitor state compliance with the standards of the Helsinki Act, subsequent Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE... Болей »

Freedom of Religion in Turkey

Freedom of Religion in Turkey

The secular state model, the closing down of the Welfare Party, and the situation of Christian groups

This report is based on a mission to Turkey 1-9 May 1998 by the Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee. Although the report is based on information and viewpoints from the persons who shared their time and knowledge with us during our visit... Болей »

Albania´s Second Transition

Albania´s Second Transition

A Human Rights Perspective on Recent Developments in Albania

The years from 1991 to 1998 have witnessed deep and radical changes in Albanian society, most memorably manifested in the «period of dark forces* surrounding the transition from Communist rule to a democratically elected government in 1990 — 1992, and in the «period of anarchy» which paved the way for... Болей »

Freedom of the Press 2003

Freedom of the Press 2003

a global survey of media independence
Deutsch Karlekar Karin

Freedom of the Press 2003 could not have been completed without the contributions of numerous Freedom House staff and consultants. Freedom House would like to thank the Freedom Forum, the World Press Freedom Committee, and Bette Bao Lord for their generous contributions towards our ongoing work to promote... Болей »

Re-registration 1999

Re-registration 1999

of the Belarussian NGO\'s

In February 1999 the state reregistration of the Belarusian NGOs was announced Within the limited period (February 1 - July 1, 1999) all the Belarusian NGOs without exception had to be re-registered The experience to conduct a campaign of the like was gained by the Belarusian authorities during the re-registration... Болей »

Values of Christian Democracy

Values of Christian Democracy

A compendium of essential building blocks
Neuhaus Norbert, Langes Horst

In their reflections, the authors of this publication examine the issue of ethics in politics; in this their foundation is the Christian world outlook. Their topic is the order by which people may share their communal life, and their individual development. Such development must be in harmony with the... Болей »

Wprowadzenie do nauki o dziennikarstwie i komunikowaniu

Wprowadzenie do nauki o dziennikarstwie i komunikowaniu

Kunczik Michael, Zipfel Astrid

Książka niemieckich badaczy Michaela Kunczika i Astrid Zipfel przedstawia najważniejsze dylematy współczesnego dziennikarstwa i prawidłowości rządzące procesem komunikowania. Autorzy zwracają uwagę zarówno na mechanizmy kształtowania przekazu przez nadawcę, jak i na psychologiczne mechanizmy — funkcjonujące... Болей »

Place zabaw początkiem życia publicznego

Place zabaw początkiem życia publicznego

materiały seminaryjne

Osiedle „Błonie”, było jednym z ostatnich, budowanych przez Spółdzielnię Mieszkaniową „Czuby”. Powstało w okresie, kiedy Spółdzielnia traciła rozmach inwestycyjny. W dzielnicy „Czuby” jest to najdalej na zachód wysunięty zespół budynków. Prace budowlane ustały wraz z oddaniem do użytku ostatnich mieszkań... Болей »

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