

Decentralization and Local Democracy in the World

Decentralization and Local Democracy in the World

Executive Summary. First. Global. Report. 2007

It is our great pleasure, as Presidents of the World Organization of Local and Regional Authorities, to present the First World Report on Decentralization and Local Democracy. We hope that this report, which is the first of its kind, will help deepen and strengthen knowledge about the role of local governments... Болей »

Odkryć historię - zrozumieć wolność

Odkryć historię - zrozumieć wolność

Przed trzema Laty po raz pierwszy przedstawiliśmy ideę powołania Muzeum Historii Polski. Była ona owocem poszukiwania nowoczesnych i pozytywnych form odpowiedzialności za prezentację polskiego dorobku historycznego. Choć świadomość tej odpowiedzialności jest znacznie silniejsza niż kilka lat temu, to... Болей »

Reforma ONZ i bezpieczeństwo zbiorowe

Reforma ONZ i bezpieczeństwo zbiorowe

Raport Panelu ONZ Wysokiego Szczebla ds. Zagrożeń, Wyzwań i Zmiany z grudnia 2004r. oraz zalecenia Sekretarza Generalnego ONZ z marca 2005 r.

Raport Panelu Wysokiego Szczebla z grudnia 2004 1 zawdzięcza swoje nieporównywalnie większe znaczenie, w odróżnieniu od wcześniejszych raportów i propozycji dotyczących reform w ONZ, pewnym okolicznościom. Łączy w przekonywujący sposób merytoryczne i instytucjonalne kwestie głębokiej reformy ONZ w zakresie... Болей »

Правы мяншыняў. Rights of Minorities. Права меньшинств

Правы мяншыняў. Rights of Minorities. Права меньшинств

Даведнік для арганізацыяў нацыянальных мяншыняў Беларусі

Зборнік выдадзены ў межах праекта „Informational Background for juridical Protection of the National Minorities in Belarus". Група абароны правоў мяншыняў пры Цэнтры Эўрапейскага Супрайоўнійтва „Эўрофорум" выказвае падзяку Інфармайыйнай Службе Злучаных Штатаў Амэрыкі (USIS) за падтрымку рэалізацыі праекта.... Болей »

СМИ в Беларуси: Хроника конфликтов

СМИ в Беларуси: Хроника конфликтов

По материалам мониторинга Белорусской ассоциации журналистов (май 2000 - декабрь 2001)
Авчинникова Ирина, Бастунец Андрей, Белый Алексей и др.

Дополнительное заключение "Артикля 19", Всемирной кампании за свободу слова "О проекте закона "Об информационной безопасности" печатается с разрешения "Артикля 19". Подготовка книги осуществлена в рамках программы "Развитие демократических средств массовой информации в Беларуси Европейской комиссии.... Болей »

Annual Report 2001

Annual Report 2001

Alfred Mozer Stichting

Without any doubt 2001 was the most active year in the history of the Alfred Mozer Foundation. The fact that the annual budget had been enlarged, made it possible to have many extra projects in 2001 and also to realise our long-felt wish to publish a manual for our trainers and to make it available for... Болей »

A Christian Democratic Party in Action

A Christian Democratic Party in Action

Campaign Handbook for a Succesful Christian Democratic Election Campaign

Dear Christian Democratic friends, It is with much pleasure that I welcome you to join and studying and working with this English edition of the Campaign Handbook of the Dutch Christian Democratic Party, the CDA. Since campaigning requires thorough preparation, we hope that this book will contribute... Болей »

How to Survive in Daily Political Life

How to Survive in Daily Political Life

Handbook for (Prospective) Politicians

This guide is written to help (prospective) politicians. As many situations as possible are described in which politicians might find themselves in the course of their political career, together with a number of suggestions and tips. This is all aimed to help the readers to move more comfortably in new... Болей »

Trainers Handboek

Trainers Handboek

What is this book about? This book is designed for christian-democratic trainers all over the world. You want to develop a course or offer one? There are many things to consider! For whom is the course meant? What should students learn? How do you present that information in an engaging way? This handbook... Болей »

Christian Democracy and Local Politics

Christian Democracy and Local Politics

In recent years the Eduardo Frei Foundation (a Dutch foundation for international solidarity which is affiliated with the Christian Democratic Party, the CDA) has issued various publications in English. These publications are either related to Christian Democratic ideology or are concerned with communication... Болей »

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