
2001 Facts On Grants

Civil Society

Civil Society is one of four programs funded by the Mott Foundation. The others are Environment, Flint Area and Pathways Out of Poverty. In addition, the Foundation maintains flexibility to investigate new opportunities through an Exploratory and Special Projects program. This publication provides detailed fact sheets on each of the Foundations 258 Civil Society grants totaling $31,423,168 in 2001. They are organized alphabetically by grantee and by objective within each program area. Similar publications are available for Environment, Flint Area and Pathways Out of Poverty. Fact sheets are designed to provide detailed information about a grant. In addition to a purpose statement, each fact sheet contains a brief summary of the project, including pertinent information regarding specific goals and objectives, populations served, and, in some cases, accomplishments to date. The amount of the grant and the grant period also are included, as is project support to date. Each fact sheet also contains a contact person with an address and telephone number. (fragment)

Каталёг: Каталёг EEDC
Выдаўцы і выдавецтвы: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
  • Дата выхаду: 2002
  • Выдавец: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
  • Памеры: 132 s.
  • Катэгорыя: Правы чалавека, Грамадзтва
  • Кнігазбор:
    • EEDC — бібліятэка Усходнеэўрапейскага дэмакратычнага цэнтру, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (папяровы асобнік)
  • Інвэнтарныя нумары: EEDC — 2664
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