
Crossroads Digest 1/2006

The journal for the studies of Eastern European borderland

What kind of journal is it? “Crossroads Digest” is the selection of articles originally pub­lished in Russian in “Crossroads quarterly” in 2003—2006. “Crossroads quarterly” is a transdisciplinary scientific journal de­voted to political, social and cultural transformations in the Eastern European borderland (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine). The main tasks include assistance to conceptual and methodological renewal of academic research in the region, initiation of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary dialog, support of representation of regional, na­tional and local academic schools and traditions.

Пэрыёдыка: Crossroads Digest
Выдаўцы і выдавецтвы: European Humanities University, Center for Advanced Studies and Education (CASE), the project «Social Transformations in the Border­land: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova»
  • Месца выхаду: Vilnius
  • Дата выхаду: 2006
  • Рэдактар: Bobkov Igor
  • Выдавец: European Humanities University, Center for Advanced Studies and Education (CASE), the project «Social Transformations in the Border­land: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova»
  • Copyright: © 2007 by European Humanities University, Center for Advanced Studies and Education (CASE)
  • Кнігазбор:
  • Дадатковая даведка: Scientific Council: Anatoliy Mikhailov (Belarus), Doctor of Philosophy, Natalka Chernysh (Ukraine), Doctor of Social Sciences, Yaroslav Gritsak (Ukraine), Doctor of History, Virgiliu Birladyanu (Moldova), Doctor of History, Dmitri Karev (Belarus), Doctor of History, Dimitru Moldovan (Moldova), Doctor of Economy; EHU expresses its sincere gratitude for assistance and financial support of the project to Carnegie Cor­poration, New York.
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